You may be shocked to learn that about 1 in every 6 people will experience a stroke in their life.
A stroke is a medical event that occurs when something blocks the blood supply to the brain or when a vessel in the brain bursts. Warning signs of a stroke are sudden weakness of the face, arms, or legs, confusion, slurred speech, vision problems, and dizziness or loss of balance. Strokes can vary from mild to severe as can their outcomes; some people can recover fully from a stroke with no long-term implications while others may die as the result of a stroke.
There are ways to identify if you are at risk to have a stroke and limit your risk.
The following conditions put you at an elevated risk for strokes: high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, high red blood cell count, high cholesterol, obesity, cardiac abnormalities, older age, prior history or strokes, hereditary factors, being biologically male, and high temperatures.
Some things you can do to lover your risk of strokes include: maintaining a healthy body weight, avoiding alcohol, avoiding drugs, avoiding smoking, regular exercise, a low-fat diet, and regular monitoring of your blood pressure.
Recently, Amy was asked to photograph a Azurion 3 F15 machine at the VA Hospital near USF.
This highly advanced machine provides superior imaging of the blood vessels in the body, which aids in identifying vascular abnormalities and clots. Being able to identify these abnormalities and clots early can give practitioners the ability to begin preventative treatments and protocols early on and avert the risk of the patient having a stroke. Though we normally stick to real estate photography, stepping outside of our normal workload is always fun, especially when we get to learn about incredible new medical devices!

Article by Lindsey Cox of HD Showings and StratCat SEO & Digital Marketing