Lindsey has been with HD Showings since January of 2018.
While she was initially hired as an Executive Assistant, she has navigated the many different roles and positions within the company and now manages all daily operations. Read about her below!

Hi, I’m Lindsey!
Most of you know me as the one who answers your phone calls and emails. I’m 30 years old, married, and have an almost 4 year old! In addition, I’m a bit of a cat lady, and I have 3 cats named after foods: Oreo, Ravioli, and Lasagna.

I went to college locally at the University of South Florida and got my Bachelor’s in Sociology with minors in Gerontology and French. For graduate school, I went to the University of North Florida and received my Master’s in Geriatric Care Management. In my time in graduate school, I worked with the Area Agencies on Aging and Pine Castle to develop best practices and training protocols for providers that work with people aging with intellectual disabilities. My work went on to be utilized at the state level. Similarly, I took a particular interest in the incarcerated aging population and their unique care needs.
While I am passionate about elder care, I found that I had trouble enjoying a career in it. I began working a low-level administrative job in a structural engineering firm to pay the bills while I figured out what was next. In that position, I ended up doing the work of the Engineering Interns at the request of the Professional Engineers, as my strong research background gave me an upper hand in report writing. Amy and I were friends from the gym, and she was aware that I was not happy in a stuffy office environment. She offered me a position with the ability to work from home part time, and I jump on the opportunity! The rest is history. I have been an executive assistant, photo editor, scheduling admin, marketing coordinator, photographer, and more. Now I just do a little bit of everything!

I have always been interested in photography and started photographing with a Pentax K-1000 and developed images myself in a darkroom with film. For awhile I was interested in fitness photography and worked primarily with bodybuilders. Recently I have been drawing from my structural engineering background and have been working on construction defect and litigation photography. My favorite type of real estate listing to photograph is either a cool mid-century modern or a simple, unpretentious concrete block home. Simple concrete block homes are often the most accessible single family home type for first time homebuyers and are critical in the building of generational wealth in communities with traditionally lower socioeconomic status. Any real estate photographer can make a multi-million dollar home look fabulous. However, only a good real estate photographer can take a simple concrete block starter home look just as luxurious.
In 2020, I spent my time learning h0w to do Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and becoming a Certified Personal Trainer. I began StratCat SEO & Digital Marketing and I work with lots of local businesses across all industries (including HD) with their digital marketing goals. I have also gone as far as to learn website building so I can further integrate SEO protocols for my clients and maximize their ranking on Google Search and Google Maps. I became a personal trainer so I could better train myself and my friends. I powerlift in my free time and am working to get a 1000 lb total (squat-bench-deadlift)!

My other hobbies include baking cheesecakes, working out at Aumakua Fitness, visiting historical cemeteries, and going on trips to Busch Gardens with my son. I also collect an odd array of items: coffee mugs, blankets, and taxidermy!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I look forward to continuing to work with you all. I am available to photograph by request only and also provide free basic SEO audits for HD Showings clients.