
The Do’s and Don’ts of Cleaning Stainless Steel

inviting and clean kitchen with interesting light fixtures

When preparing for a real estate photography appointment, it is important that your stainless steel appliances are clean and streak-free.

However, it is important that you do not damage your stainless steel surfaces when attempting to clean it up. In this post, we will go over the Do’s, Don’ts, and offer some methods for when it comes to cleaning stainless steel. 

beautiful staged kitchen photo


  • Do use a microfiber towel for cleaning your stainless steel. This fabric is gentle on the surface and aids in a streak-free finish that will show beautifully in listing photos.
  •  Do wipe with the grain of the stainless steel. This will not only aid in preventing streaks, but will also make removing residue easier. 
  • Do use dish soap, mineral oil, or Windex to clean your stainless steel. These cleaners are strong enough to adequately clean your appliance while still being mild enough to prevent damage.
  • Do use specially formulated stainless steel cleaners to polish your appliances and restore their shine. 
beautiful clean kitchen photo with pantry and smart refrigerator


  • Don’t use scrubby sponges, steel wool, or other scratchy sponges to clean your stainless steel. This WILL LEAVE SCRATCHES, and they will be very visible in your listing photos.
  • Don’t use random household cleaners to clean your stainless steel. Some cleaners, such as bleach and ammonia, will damage the surface of the steel and leave unsightly markings that cannot be buffed away. 
  • Don’t let stainless steel air-dry. Air-drying leads to streaks, so it is best to wipe excess cleaner off of your stainless steel with a microfiber cloth. 
staged kitchen with wine cooler and dry bar photo

What are some safe ways to clean stainless steel?

  1. A simple solution of dish soap and water will effectively clean your stainless steel without leaving damage- just be sure to grab that microfiber cloth to get the job done!
  2. Products such as Weiman Stainless Steel Cleaner make cleaning stainless steel a breeze. They offer products conveniently packaged in spray bottles or as pre-made wipes, which make cleaning quick and easy. 
  3. Spray your appliance down with white vinegar and wipe dry with a microfiber cloth. Then, put a small amount of olive oil on your microfiber cloth and wipe it into the stainless steel WITH the grain. This cleans your appliance while also giving it a beautiful shine.

We hope this post will better help you in preparing for your real estate photography session!

photo of an eclectic kitchen with wood countertops
smiling female real estate photographer headshot black and white


Article by Lindsey Cox of HD Showings and StratCat SEO & Digital Marketing

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